Daily Oracle Card Collective Energy Message-Arise

Rumi Oracle Card Arise

Daily Oracle Card for the Collective Energy–Rumi Oracle Deck


“Wings of hope languish
from lack of use.
When wings dissipate and weaken,
Life begins to lose its value.

Every cell in your body is created
to rise to challenges.
Your life is meant to confront
everything that holds you captive.

Don’t sit at the bottom of the well,
not caring about salvation.

Listen to the voice within calling to you.
Reach for eminence
beyond your own maturity!”



“I dance before you in sacred spectacle, hoping to garner your attention.

‘Look at me!’ I cry to your ailing spirit and despondent flesh, ‘Look at me!’

If you were to look up you would see that I am a mirror of your own being, your light, your heart, your spirit, your all. Yes, there is pain; yes there is a letting go taking place and you are frightened and uncertain sometimes. But you make this mean something that it does not! It means that you are to turn your head away from what is dying; do this gently but firmly. Turn your head towards what is living.

Look at me! I will show you truth and you shall laugh your deepest belly laughter with so much glee, sharing in my secret that the only force at work in your life is unconditionally loving divinity.”

“I see in you a divine wild child and sacred heart. You have gumption! Chutzpah! Guts! You dare to love where others only see pain. You dare to believe that everything will somehow work out where others see only what they judge to be wrong. You see love where others see ply fear. You seek freedom where the world still buys into manipulation and propaganda.

Don’t lose heart, beloved wild child. Dare to believe! You are right to do so. It is the divine rebel in you that refuses to surrender hope. Give up the fight perhaps, the battle that comes from a place of fear, but never give up hope. That hope in your heart, that optimism and patience for growth into love creates a light within you that helps the world see through darkness. It becomes a candle that shimmers contentedly upon the windowsill of your heart temple. There it is, more obvious even in darkness.

The stars do appear to shine brighter at night, beloved, but don’t become consumed by your nightmares. They will pass with the coming dawn, you’ll see. Don’t give them too much stock. Instead, put your attention towards that defiant candle of hope that burns, as is its nature and purpose, within you. Can you sense its warmth, even in the presence of cold fear? Ah, it shall warm you now. And if not, then I come to remind you; you are a blazing angel! You are filled with gold fire and you shall prevail.

Oh the joy of you, the expanse of you! You fill my own heart with your magnificent essence. I see and know the Great Beloved in you. There the Great Beloved is – looking out at me from behind your eyes! I see the candlelight of your heart temple flicker within your gaze. That is what the candle of hope honours – the workings of the Great Beloved, so creative and crazed with love for you that all circumstances of your life, down to the tiniest detail, are evoked out of love. Love out of passionate desire takes you from despair into hope – from holding on to letting go, from turning away to opening up – so the Great Beloved takes you across the moonlit ocean into the temple of the Cosmic Heart. Here, an eternal flame burns bright with hope, igniting the light within the hearts of all humanity.

You are being asked to trust, to gently lay to rest the suffering that has been – perhaps because of what you have labelled as the failure, the doubt, the losses and setbacks. They are so little in the greater scheme of you. Put them aside; allow them to rot and become the fertilizer for life, but do not try to keep them alive beyond their earthly expiry date, lest you become tainted or poisoned by the rot. Let them go and instead focus on what is alive now.

Can you sense that before you is a great being of light, a greater pathway opening up? This is truth, blazing angel. This is truth. Take the step. So easy is it when the light of the heart is felt within, reminding you of your own divine nature. The world is here for you to experience so that you may realize divinity in its majesty, mystery and love – more so than ever. All serves that sacred purpose, so embrace it. Find your faith. Be at peace. Know that no matter what appears to be, all is well. You are so loved; it cannot even begin to be translated sufficiently into words, but it can be transmitted from my heart to yours, just as the sun catches dried tinder and sets it aflame.

This oracle comes with a message for you: arise. You have been downtrodden for long enough now. Perhaps you have been feeling defeated, put upon, underestimated, or walked over in mind, body or spirit by others or your own doubts and fears. Enough now – you are liberated through the hope in your heart, the defiant optimism that buoys your spirit and demands that you shall have your dawn. You shall rise like the sun and and begin anew now. Step up; it is your time.”

RUMI Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Rassouli

(No matter when you read this, it will be exactly the right time so don’t focus on the dates…time is fluid.)

Today’s message is another powerful confirmation that you are right where you need to be. This is one of the most beautiful cards in this deck to date. Please read this message and take it deeply to heart. You are so valuable and worthy of love and living your purpose. This is the confirmation you have been asking for! Keep your heart and eyes looking FORWARD, it is time to stop dwelling in the past and looking behind you. You’re not going back there.

Doors are closing as they should, as it is necessary for new doors to open.. Yes, there is a chance that there is a period of rest between doors. Time to heal. Time to regroup. Time to shed and release the old and time to make space for the new. What is the gift of this time to heal? Strength, faith and a much deeper trust in yourself and in your process. What will keep you moving forward? Trust..trust in your own inner divine voice.

You are a powerful warrior. If you don’t feel it at this moment, then that is part of your healing. You are blazing new trails. You are here to lead, to heal, to inspire and to transform. Do not shy away from this, you choose this path before birth. You committed to assisting the Divine creator. You know this deep inside. Do you remember why you came here? Yes, you do! ~Anna

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