Purpose of the Twin Flame Union Insights

twin flame sacred mission

Purpose of the Twin Flame Union Insights

As I continue on this journey with others, I see more and more information presented as ‘knowledge and teaching’ about the twin flame union. The more I observe and interact with clients trying to understand what is going on within their lives, their bodies, their everyday perceptions of their reality, the more I am seeing how the confusion is increasing. If you understand the construct we are confined within, and the fact that we are in the process of ascension then it will come as no surprise as to why this is happening. Twin flames have a purpose in the ascension and I wrote another blog post with many links to about what is trying to keep twins apart . I hope this post will perhaps help you to gain some further truth and help you find your answers. ~Anna

Insight Number 1 – Your Twin is You
This is what many struggle with to understand when still in 3D thought and believe patterns. We slip into a victim role, we blame, we judge, we go into the “he said – she said” game and we are focused on the other half, only seeing their alleged fears and problems they need to solve. Well, scratch that. The sooner, the better. Of course, it is your choice. If you enjoy the 3D templates and the push and pull dynamics and the running and chasing game, then stick with it. There is only one guarantee: A permanent reunion with your twin will not be possible that way.

We have to understand, that our twin is us. We are one energy field in two bodies. So what we blame or judge him or her for, we blame ourselves for. They are our ultimate mirror and they give us exactly what we need for our own healing and growth. That is not always what our ego wants… So when you are blaming them for ignoring you, why are you ignoring yourself? When you complain about them not being honest about their feelings, where are you not honest yourself?

There also comes a time when you must ask yourself are you in the chaser/runner phase or are you dealing with an emotionally unavailable person? If you are in separation and both working on your own individual lives to be the best possible versions of yourself..and here is the key…you can see real time, 3D world proof of this from the wonderful changes and growth they are experiencing, then you know you are on path. On the other hand if you separate and come back together and nothing has changed in the dynamic between you as a couple, in other words your ‘twin’ is still the caught up in the same lower vibration 3D patterns, you may want to go deeper inside and ask yourself how is your relationship uplifting each other and everyone around you?

Insight Number 2 – It is all about You
Closely related to that is that we have to learn that it is always about us. And when we have understood that we are one it makes sense, right? If we heal us, we heal both parts.
There is no me or him/her. There is only us. And the faster we focus on ourselves, on our own issues, our own healing, the quicker we will raise the frequency for us, our twin and humanity and feel much more balanced and whole. Working with our inner child, our ego and learning the language of energy in order to transmute fear frequencies into love frequencies through gratitude and forgiveness are three key aspects. This process pushes us to become our true divine self and drop everything that is not authentic about us. It is triggering us until we have pealed off every fake layer and have found back to self-love. A state of being without any self-doubt, hurt, insecurities or other fears. If you are ever more focused on your twin and what they are or are not doing to be a physical part of your life, you are far away from a twin union frequency and vibration.
Our ego loves to step in here and say – why do I have to do all the work and the other part is not taking any effort? Well, read the next insight to get a clearer perspective.

Insight Number 3 – the Female is in the Lead (THIS ONE IS KEY)
Once we have understood this, the second part to integrate into our awareness are the traits of the female and the male energies. The female energy is the creative energy. She creates with her intuition, her heart and sets the intention. She is preparing the energy field and is setting a certain frequency. Then, the male energy, the creator energy, can follow and manifest. It can never be the other way around.

So if you are the more female part in the connection (carrying a bigger portion of female energy, which is independent from gender), you have to really take that in. If you are waiting for your twin to finally heal and get it – you will wait until the cows come home. This will never happen, as he will simply follow your energy. If your intention in the energetic field is waiting or acting out of fear – he will do the same. If you set the intention to move forward, change things, step into your mission, drop fears and parts that are not authentic about you, follow your true hearts desires, he will follow and do the same. And you do not have to talk to him or her in 3D about this at all. As you are connected energetically through your heart chakras, you will inspire him or her energetically.

As the more female part, we change and transmute the fear/trauma pattern first and then the male can follow with his healing and then manifest reunion. The more female part sets the intention and creates the circumstances energetically to pave the way for manifestation. Always. Understand that the more male part needs you to do your job so that they can do theirs. On the other hand, if you can honestly say you are doing your part, and the person you believe to be your twin flame shows no 3D world signs of doing the same, it is not a twin flame relationship. Everyone asks what are the signs that you are in union with your twin? Well here is your sign.

Insight Number 4 – Silence is Golden
A lot of confusion always comes up about the forced separation for twin flames. What we have to understand is, that this separation is guided by our soul and has its purpose. Our soul wants us to focus on ourselves and our own issues and healing. The transformation happens a lot quicker if we are not distracted by the presence of our other half. We have to understand, that our body is not ready to be able to stand these intense high frequencies we experienced in the bubble love phase for long, as we still carry a lot of old baggage and low fear frequencies. The friction between those two frequencies is too strong. Being with our twin would mean that we would simply burn out and our system would collapse.

Therefore, recognize the gift of silence for your ultimate good and use this time to focus on your own work instead of wasting energy into chasing and running away from your own lessons! On the other hand if you are separated for months or even years and you are actively waiting for someone that never contacts you or makes any effort to have your in their life, you may want to again reflect on how your relationship is uplifting the frequencies of the collective?

Insight Number 5– Our Inner Child is a Key Holder
When we started our journey on earth, it did not take long until we were completely caught up in the 3D game and programmed with false belief systems and templates. We took for granted what we learned. Everything was based on scarcity and competition. Being not good enough and having to be better, jump higher, perform more… that was our reality. We did not question that maybe what schools, churches, governments, the industries, etc. taught us was not so true after all.

So while growing up in our childhood, we were wounded and hurt because all of this programming was not in line with our true essence. Our fears and traumas that we experience today stem from that time. When we face a certain situation our system recalls the memory of the past and reacts with the same protective strategy we came up with as a child. That results in anger attacks, crying, manipulating etc. We end up in the same mess again and again until we realize that we have to heal our inner child to get rid of the pattern. And no one is better in triggering our inner child than our twin so that we recognize it and heal it.

The inner child, when still in sabotage mode, is the nurturer of the ego, giving it the fear patterns it needs to keep us in fear. When we make our inner child our best friend and get it to trust us completely, the ego cannot get any energy and is forced to transform into a higher frequency. Fear patterns are reprogrammed into love patterns this way. If you want to learn more about inner child work, Co-dependency dance of the wounded soul by Robert Burney is a wonderful resource.

Insight Number 6 – Acting out Emotions is good!
Another big misprogramming of the 3D Matrix is that acting out emotions is inappropriate. Crying, screaming, shaking, but also loud laughing or singing in public is simply indecorous in this ego-based society. What we have to understand is that acting out emotions is a good thing! It is a natural reflex that we have for a reason. It is like energetic puking. Children still use that reflex. If they have an energy in their system that does not belong there, they scream, they cry or shake to release it right away. And everything is cool again a couple of minutes later. Until we teach them that it is not okay to behave that way. So we keep all this toxic energy in our system and our emotional body gets an overload up to a point that it starts passing on dense energies into the physical body, which stores it. That manifests as muscle pains, inflammations first and can lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, heart attacks, strokes etc.

So instead of blaming ourselves when we feel like crying or screaming, we need to turn it around and learn that we have to be thankful for the possibility to release it. Compare it with a food poisoning. Your stomach reacts with a natural reflex to throw up. If you fight that reflex and keep the food in your stomach, you can get very sick and even die. Do yourself a huge favor and instead of blaming yourself, enjoy emotional releases with a big “Thanks that I can let that go now for good”. That again transmutes the energy to a high frequency immediately. Getting in touch with our feelings is not only healthy, it is the necessary! In order to come back to that source of Divine unconditional love we carry within us, we must purge ourselves of all the triggers and masks we have been programmed with. Learning to allow ourselves to feel gives us the ability to see where we are blocked. Repressed feelings will always manifest in negative repercussions…raging, addictions, promiscuity, control issues, abuse..the list is long.

Insight Number 7 – Start your Mission NOW
Don’t wait until your twin is ready to be with you to start your mission you came here for. You are supposed to reach a state of wholeness individually. The Universe requires transformation and change, not waiting until you are both ready. You are here as a lightworker with specific gifts and tasks, or ikigai.

Explore your childhood and personality to find out what they are and who you truly are and start using your talents to help others. It does not have to be big, by helping just one person you already cause a ripple effect. Your mission also gives you your purpose here on the planet and that is very fulfilling and helps you to move forward and come into a much more balanced state of being.

Redirecting energies into something useful helps again to transmute energies to high frequencies of love and compassion. Move forward with your life as if reunion was not happening and you are happy and whole on your own, but know in your heart that your twin will join once all energy blockages between the two of you are cleared. Truly, you must come to a place within yourself where you are fully living your life with zero expectation that the person you believe to be your twin will be with you.

Please, stop and really reflect on this. If they are your twin, then you already know that deep inside. but you may be feeling this connection or ‘love’ for any number of other reasons of incompleteness and the need to have someone. This is a big question that you need to ask yourself and get honest about.

Another key sign of twin flame unions is the fact that neither twin puts their life on hold waiting for the other. In fact quite the opposite as I have stated in many of my blogs. Your twin flame activation energy literally propels you forward in incredibly positive ways! You both are ‘ignited’ to make these changes. So, do you! I can assure you, if the person in question is not your twin, you will be raising your frequency to a level where you will attract to you, either your actual twin flame or an amazing soul mate. It’s a win-win!

Insight Number 8– We are Transformers
When we have learned to release emotions with gratitude, we have had our first lesson in lightworking. Because that is how transmutation of low frequencies into high frequencies works. Through gratitude and forgiveness instead of blame and judgement, we raise the vibration quickly. This requires to take a different perspective and see the benefit in every situation: What does it teach me, what do I recognize about myself and for my own growth? Who did I meet that is important now to me that I would not have met?… When we take a 5D view on things, we recognize the perfection and purpose in all our experiences. By learning the language of energy and that energy can never dissolve but only transform, we recognize that we always have the steering wheel and we can choose if we want to go down the road of fear or drive up the highway of love. What does it mean to ascend from 3D to 5D?

Once we have learned this transmutation on a micro level, we will be kicked into collective healing, transmuting on a large scale for humanity. That can be completely overwhelming in the beginning and our heart chakra, where we transmute the energy through can hurt like hell until we get used to it. We have to understand, that we are part of a larger organism. Maybe now you can feel with liver cells and what they have to go through when they have to process all the toxic alcohol after heavy drinking and cleanse the physical body from it.

Apart from that, we also transmute the other way around. All the high frequencies streaming in onto the planet need to be manifested on earth. We take those in and transmute them into a frequency that makes them suitable for humanity and the planet to take them in.

So, please be aware, when you feel low, desperate, lonely, sad etc. you are doing a huge job for the collective by transmuting these. Be grateful for the releases to make sure to raise the frequency. That is THE definition of lightwork. The battle between darkness and light is not an open war as we would imagine it to be. It is a battle that is taking place within each and every one of us and it is our choice what we support with our energy: Choose wisely, choose love.

Insight Number 9 – We had to go through 3D School
Often we ask ourselves – why do I have to go through all this pain? As already mentioned, many twins chose very dysfunctional families to incarnate into on purpose. Why? Besides the experience of the imbalance between masculine and feminine energies, an important reason for that is to fully understand the 3D programming and to experience ourselves how it feels and how it works. We had to understand that whole system in order to be able to hack it, infiltrate it and reprogram it with our light and love. Only that way, we are able to develop a compassion for those that are going through the same experience and to support them on their journey. We were and are preparing ourselves for our mission we came here for.

Here is another key sign. Both twins will have gone through similar pain and healing. They will both have learned similar lessons. They will both be at similar levels of soul evolution. They achieve this long before they come into union. I feel this is what is meant by mirroring. They have both experienced similar wounding, pain, experiences, relationship issues, addictions, co-dependency, whatever the case may be. This is why they can not only understand each other almost instantly but when they mirror their wounding to each other, there is that ability to have instant compassion and unconditional love. Each knows what the other has been through. Seeing it in the other and loving and accepting it helps them realize that they can love and accept those shadow aspects of themselves.

Insight Number 10 – Your old Life is supposed to be destroyed
That is another tough one to understand. How often do we hear from twins: “My life was pretty stable and perfect until I met him/her and actually I was happy”. Or perhaps you had fallen into complacency, forgetting your life’s true purpose?

Because…if you were truly happy then how could someone then have such an impact on you? The twin flame journey is shaking you up for a purpose and challenges you to the deepest level. It forces you to find back to your Divine essence, to become your most authentic self. This leads you into dropping everything that is not authentic about you and is not resonating with your inner truth. So everything you only did to please other people or fulfill others expectations will show up painfully until you let it go. Or you just experience huge losses, such as money, your home, people. The more you fight this process, the harder it will get. We are tested if we trust the universal flow, despite dire circumstances.

We are asked to drop all dependencies, contracts, etc. to reach complete freedom. We are driven to let go of the programmed beliefs and templates we took on and leave the 3D Matrix for good. There is no place on New Earth for these old energies and we realize we do not need any of it when we are happy and whole. In short: We are guided to find self-love. As we all carry the Source energy within us, self-love is the closest we can get to God.

Insight Number 11 – Reunion is only possible on a very High Frequency Level
Once we have found self-love and feel completely connected to source and we have let go of all fake programming, fears, trauma, inauthentic behaviour etc., we have raised our frequency back to our natural frequency. Our original twin vibe. That is pure bliss and compassion. Pure Divine love. When we have reached that state, we have ascended to New Earth. We are now happy and whole by ourselves. We do not need anyone else to be happy, but we carry so much love for us and thus for God, that all we want to do is share it with others. We see through all the illusions.

Duality dissolves and we see the good and Divine perfection in everything. We are completely free and have detached from the Matrix and have awakened to the real reality. Now, we are able to do the lightwork with ease and transmuting comes natural. When we release and cry it feels just as good as when we laugh, dance and sing. We have recognized what a great gift the twin flame connection is and are deeply grateful for everything it has brought to us on a silver plate. We manifest with ease, we have completely surrendered, we trust the universal flow and we have let go of the expectation that reunion has to happen in this lifetime, as time loses its meaning, too.

And – that is exactly the moment when the door opens and – when you least expect it, your twin comes back to you..in the relationship dynamic that bests suits the two of you both, not what all the 3D conditioning and wounding have forced us to believe love must look like.  You serve mankind together with your joint mission and unconditional love for one another as the driving force.

I hope this helps you in some way. For some it will resonate and for others they may not be ready to get really honest with themselves. Many, many people are holding on to a false ideal of what a twin flame relationship is and that is a part of your soul evolution and growth as well. We all are perfectly where we need to be at the perfect time…even you reading this at this moment was perfect timed!

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5 thoughts on “Purpose of the Twin Flame Union Insights

  1. Em says:

    Thank-you Anna, this was perfectly timed for me and resonated so well. I know I will read this over and over to keep me on track during our separation period.

    I’d love to read more on the female and male energy roles. Do you have any reading on that?

  2. Angel says:

    Amazing! This is best resource of information I found on twin flame. I completely relate it. I wanted to do psychic reading but I can’t afford it🙁.

  3. Telement says:

    Anna, please help. I’m spiritual but she is a devoted Christian. I believe 100% about reincarnation but she doesn’t. How?

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