If you are breaking up with someone you love, you probably have feelings of anger, resentment, and even jealousy. Also, you might feel lonely and find your life to be totally miserable. And, you might get depressed and feel that life is not living.
Well, hold on a minute. Just relax and take a deep breath and think this through.
When you are breaking up with someone you love, it’s almost like someone very close to you has died. It’s natural to suffer through a grieving process. It’s also natural to get over your loss and to move on with your life.
So, let’s take first things first. You need to understand that breaking up with someone you love is not the end of your life. Think of other friends you have had who are no longer an active part of your life. People die and people move far away. Some people might even get mad and stop talking to you. Relationships with others will come and go throughout your lifetime.
One of the biggest mistakes people make during the process of breaking up is playing the blame game. Both people in a relationship bear some responsibility for the break up of the relationship. The bottom line is that the relationship has ended and the most important thing you can do is to get on with your life.
So, how do you get on with your life? Consider trying one or more of the following ideas:
…1… Your family and/or friends can generally be an excellent source of support. You don’t necessarily need to discuss the details of breaking up. There are plenty of other things you can discuss with friends and family. They love you and can help you get over your broken heart.
…2… In most relationships, people will have a variety of discussions before calling it quits for good. People have invested time in a relationship and have genuine feelings for the other person, so they are generally reluctant to call it quits without extensive discussion. Be careful about getting back with your ex. Both people may need time to heal before trying again to make the relationship work.
…3… Find something you can do in your free time that makes you feel good about yourself. Start a new hobby or take up jogging. Get more involved with your church, the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. Volunteer to help at a homeless shelter.
…4… Recognize the fact that we all make mistakes. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Learn from the mistakes you made in this relationship so that your next relationship will be better.
…5… Make an effort to meet new people. Go to the mall, to the library, to a bar… just get out and socialize. It’s a wonderful world and there are lots of people who would love to be your friend.
…6… Take time to understand what you want from a relationship before you jump into a new one… or before you decide that breaking up with someone you love is a mistake.
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